Our website have nearly 2,000 high_quality free textures to choose from and download at your leisure, including marble, wood, wallpaper, carpet, fabric, HDRI and more, all of these free textures have been generously uploaded by the Authors.
It is important to understand that the Authors provides free access to textures on its their initiative, and not as an obligation.
Re-Downloads of Content already purchased is free, if you have already paid, you can repeat the download for free within 3 days.
Our materials are compatible with virtually every 2D and 3D application. For example: 3ds Max, Cinema4D, Maya, Blender, etc.
Of course you can, we welcome the Authors to upload their high quality textures, if you want to upload a texture too, you need to login and find your avatar, and then click [Upload] under your avatar, you will be able to enter the upload page.
Please note that it's a good idea to read through our agreement, the Terms of Use for Authors, before you upload a texture. thank you for choosing!
After completing your registration, you will receive an email to activate your account at your registered email address. You will need to open the email and click on the link to activate your account.
You only need to activate your account once. When your account is activated, you need to log in using the email and password you entered during registration.
Please make sure that you are using the correct email address, especially when your browser is using an auto fill.
Please check if it is blocked as spam, or you may have accidentally entered the wrong e-mail address, you can try to fill in the e-mail address again to allow us to re-send an e-mail to you.
First find your login avatar, then click [Account Settings] under the avatar, you can change your login password in the account settings page.
The price includes the cost of our Services to You and the license fee for the right to use the textures.
All prices are stated in USD and may be converted to your local currency at the time of payment. You are responsible for any costs resulting from exchange rates or foreign transactions.
Payment can be made by PayPal. All our contents need to be purchased directly on our website. We cannot accept bank checks or purchase orders.
We do not support credit card payments at this time. But You can pay with a credit card via PayPal service, which doesn’t require a PayPal account. For this use PayPal as a payment option and once redirected to PayPal page click on the gray button Check Out as a Guest.
No, we do not offer any additional student discounts. Unlike most other texture websites, our freely downloaded materials may be used for commercial projects(provided that your use is in accordance with the terms of the License to Use).
You need to log in first, then find your login avatar, and click [order records] or [download records] under the avatar, then you can see.
In almost all cases this is because the download was interrupted, for example due to a local network error. Try redownloading the file and see if it works (this will not cost any extra costs).
If your Internet connection is unstable, it can help to use a download manager that supports resuming of downloads.
We do not sell a copy of the entire website. The combined size of all the files is simply too big for a download. We don't allow people making a copy of the website either. Attempting to download this many pages uses up a lot of bandwidth and makes the site slower for everyone else. Anybody trying to mass-download will have his/her IP banned automatically.
To delete your account, you need to contact TechSupport on behalf of the account.