"textures.relebook.com" is a website that allows authors of textures to share their works and sell the rights to use their works to customers who wish to purchase access to textures via the Service. The Author for the purpose of personal gain, uploads its textures to the Website Database and grants Relebook the License to such textures. Relebook provides the Service to the Author, distributes its uploaded textures and splits the Net Revenue with the Author.
"textures.relebook.com" have textures library by many Authors uploaded, has a huge amount of high quality texture and image resources, provides wood, stone, cloth, leather, metal, natural, HDRI and other types of textures download, can meet a variety of design and rendering needs. Our website provides highest quality materials and services for 3d artists, 3d model designers and renderers, making your design and rendering of works more real and exquisite.
Our textures library is expanding on a weekly basis and currently comprises 698,068 standard images and textures, 1,806 HDRI panorama images, and other 3D assets.